Lutherans are different than you might expect.

We are a Liturgical, Gospel-centered, and Sacramental Church.

When the Lutheran Reformers sought to put the Gospel (salvation by God’s grace alone received by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone from the Holy Scriptures alone) at the forefront of the Christian’s heart and mind, they saw the Church as the core of their focus.

If what the Church does leads you to believe that what happens here is about YOU feeling a certain way, YOU being moved to make certain responses, or YOU doing the work of praising God, then the role of God’s grace alone would be lost to grace PLUS your works.

If what the Church does leads you to believe that the greatest thing that happens here is YOUR public confession or decision, then the role of faith alone would be lost to faith PLUS your works.

If the Church rarely mentions Jesus by name or his saving works, then the role of Jesus Christ alone would be lost to some generic god of man’s own invention.

If the life of the Church isn’t predominated by the reading, singing, preaching, and praying of the Holy Scriptures, but instead is mostly filled with man’s words and testimonies, then the role of the Holy Scriptures alone would be lost to the words and traditions of man.

That’s why the core of what Lutherans do is living in the ministry of God’s gifts to the world through His Means of Grace: the Word and Sacraments. That’s why Lutherans don’t have altar calls and instead preach Law (the condemnation of sins) and Gospel (the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation) for the sake of faith. That’s why the name and confession of the Holy Trinity is repeated throughout the Worship Service. That’s why the hymns, preaching, liturgy, and Bible Studies you’ll hear will continually teach the message of Jesus Christ and what He has done in His life, death, and resurrection for sinners like you and me. That’s why we will spend the main portion of the Worship Service and Bible Studies reading portions of Scripture (usually from the Old Testament, Epistles, and Gospels) and preaching on those Scriptures. This is the Liturgy. Because the Lutheran Church has this grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone, and Scripture alone focus, the Lutheran Church is here to feed the Christian’s faith that we might overflow our sacrifices of praise and mercy to our neighbors throughout the rest of the week.


Regular Worship Schedule 

The Divine Service (Liturgy with Communion) is celebrated here every Sunday. 

This service is centered around 1) Confession and Absolution, 2) The Service of the Word, and 3) The Service of the Sacrament

At the Lord’s Supper we welcome those who share our Biblical faith and understanding of the Sacrament as “the body and blood of Jesus given under the bread and wine for Christians to eat and to drink for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation” (Luther’s Small Catechism). Members of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod are encouraged to participate in Holy Communion. Those of another Church are requested to speak first to the Pastor. Those who have not been instructed in the Lutheran faith are welcome to come to the altar and, keeping hands folded, receive a blessing. For personal examination before Communion, see pages 329-330 in the front of the hymnal. The three center cups have 2 drops of wine in water for those who may struggle with alcoholism to partake of the blood of our Lord.


On months that have a 5th Sunday, we follow the liturgy of the Service of Prayer and Preaching or Morning Prayer.

These services are centered around forming us in the the chief parts of the Christian faith: 1) The Ten Commandments, 2) The Apostles' Creed, and 3) The Lord's Prayer.